Giving regular feedback can amount to some of the most important conversations you will ever have as a leader, manager or a team member.

When conducted appropriately, it will inspire others and drive their motivation to learn and develop. On the other hand, erratic and poorly delivered feedback will feel more like a getback at somebody and an unnecessary put down.


How to give practical and constructive Feedback:

1. Be sensitive to people’s situation, treat them as adults

2. Make feedback honest and fair

3. Balance both negative and positive messages

4. Be clear about weaknesses, emphasise strengths

5. Give simple constructive criticism on behaviour only, not personal attributes or beliefs

6. Practise what you preach as a leader, as a manager, as a role model


How to give a demotivating Getback:

1. Do it in public, cc others on your emails

2. Be quick to agree/ disagree without acknowledging the subject

3. Be overtly critical, sarcastic (call it “sense of humour”)

4. Be distant, aloof, in a hurry

5. Interrupt repeatedly

6. Ignore comments, ideas, feelings

Whilst feedback helps others move forward – getbacks create setbacks.

We know which one we prefer!